Get Connected

We encourage all parents to get connected on our Church communication app, Church Center via web browser or by downloading the free app. Church Center is your hub for finding a discipleship group, registering for events, accessing pictures from events, accessing the directory, and staying up to date on all our Church is doing! Interested in serving on a volunteer team? Let us know at the bottom of this page! 

RightNow Media

RightNow Media is a free, online library of digital Bible studies and faith-based movies and TV shows that you can access using your phone, iPad, computer, or TV. There are resources for parenting, marriage, and personal Bible study, and a whole section with content just for kids. It's Netflix for Christians!

Axis for Youth & Parents

A fantastic resource for youth & parents to engage in important conversations about faith, culture, maturity, & tough issues that teens and parents this generation are facing every day.

Faith at Home Devotions

Our team has made our entire library of devotions and lessons we have made for use in our Family Ministry Programs available to you! Please fill out the form below if you would like a lesson on a specific topic. On First Sunday, parents can also pick up a Family Discipleship Strategy Packet which includes the monthly memory verse, curriculum outline for the month, and faith talk prompts for home and more. You can pick one up in the Sanctuary if you miss it on first Sunday.

Seasonal Marriage or Parenting Class

In the Fall, couples and individuals can join us in the Adult Sunday School Rooms to learn and discuss how God calls us to respond when we face common trials experienced in various seasons of marriage and parenthood.

Bloom Mom's Life Group

A fellowship group for moms meets every other Friday from August to April from 10:00-11:45am in the Sanctuary Building Classrooms. Ladies gather, encourage one another, and seek what God has taught us concerning motherhood in His Word. At present we are working through the book "Gospel Mom" by Jenson and Wifler.

Wednesday Night Discipleship

Men and Women gather in separate groups from 6:30-7:30pm in the two Sanctuary Building Classrooms to fellowship, study, and pray each week. Activities for all ages are available during this time in the Kids Wing and Youth Room. Adults are invited to join others for contemporary worship from 6-6:30pm in the Office Building Downstairs prior to attending their discipleship group.

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Lauren McMillan

(Mrs. La)

Director of Family Ministries