Current list of opportunities to serve the community through donations and volunteer opportunities.  


Food Collection


We collect food for local distribution on Sundays in the lobby & weekdays in our church office. 

Suggested items needed include: cereal, pasta sauce & noodles, canned vegetables & fruit, soup, canned chicken & tuna, individual snacks for kids (chips, cookies, fruit snacks, etc.), oil & cooking spray, cleaning supplies, and paper towels.  

Collection stations are in the lobby on Sundays and the church office during the week.

Contact Eric to learn more about this critical ongoing ministry, ebeckman@greenwichpres.org.


Refugee Ministry

Our church family is currently assisting with the resettlement of legal refugee families fleeing persecution and violence. Learn more on our Refugee Ministry page.

Community Quilting

Come and join us while we use our talents to bring warmth to others! The quilting group is for anyone interested in learning the art of quilting. Bring your project to work on and participate in creating community service quilts for babies, nursing homes, soldiers, Youth for Tomorrow, and other organizations. There are also special presentations, community quilting projects, and field trips to quilt stores.  Contact Lisa to learn more, bikelshouse@gmail.com.

Meal Ministry: Family Shelter & Community Meals

We regularly prepare and serve meals at local shelters, church gatherings, and for members of the community in need. If you would like to learn more about our meal ministry, please contact Maria: office@greenwichpres.org 

Campus Stewards & Home Projects

Greenwich is blessed with dedicated volunteers as Campus Stewards, whose donations of time, skill, and energy help to offset some of our maintenance costs. We also do minor home maintenance, cleanup, groundskeeping, and repair projects for members of the community in need, when they cannot physically accomplish what is needed in their home. 


Prayer Team

The starting point for our mission efforts is acknowledging that God is in control. Every member of our church is called to turn our hearts and our minds toward the Lord in prayer. Check out our Prayer Page for prayer resources and information about our daily Zoom Prayer Team and Prayer Warrior Email List.


Splitting, delivering, & stacking wood for members of the community in need.  Contact Anne at 703.231.9695 or the church office for more information: office@greenwichpres.org