Student Ministry

Sunday Morning 10:15-11:00am

Students gather in the Sanctuary Classrooms in between services except for on First-Sunday for Bible Study led by Lauren Sandifer.

Wednesday Night 5:30-6pm

Students gather in the Youth Room for Worship Band rehearsal. If your student plays an instrument or sings and would like to join the worship team, please let us know using the form at the bottom of this page. 

Wednesday Night 6:00-7:30pm

Students (and families) gather in the Youth Room to worship through music, hear a testimony from adults in our church,  prior to Rec Time. When weather permits, rec time is spent on the ball field. 

Finding The Way Confirmation Mentorship

An important, exciting part of a Christian's life is the moment they own their faith and take responsibility for deepening their understanding of who God is and what His call on their life is. At GPC we believe that God calls us to go and make disciples.

So, when they feel called, in partnership with parents and trusted mentors, students are encouraged to participate in the Finding The Way Confirmation Program as they prepare to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. 

Weekday Discipleship Groups

Girl's and Guy's Small Groups are held seasonly in leader's homes. Contact Lauren Sandifer or navigate to the Family Ministry Calendar for seasonal information. Students are encouraged to engage with their peers and strengthen relationships with fellow Christian teens as they navigate this season in their lives.

Lauren Sandifer

Student Ministry Coordinator

Lauren McMillan (Mrs. La)

Director of Family Ministries

We would love to hear from you!

Let us know if we can answer any questions or share ways you can serve.

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